Marketing and Procurement need to work together to deliver Company goals

Exploring the Overlooked Dimension: Mental Health in Procurement Non-Compliance

Written by Christine Moore, RAUS Global
Based on post provided by Tom Mills, top voice on LinkedIn

Within the realm of procurement, where adherence to policies and regulations is paramount, the discussion often centers on strategies, efficiency, and compliance. However, amidst the operational focus, there exists an aspect seldom addressed: the mental health repercussions of non-compliance.

Reflecting on prior experiences, it’s evident that instances of non-compliance can trigger a cascade of questions and concerns. These include inquiries into stakeholder behavior, communication effectiveness, and potential risks to the business. Such reflections can lead to prolonged periods of self-doubt and frustration.

Despite having robust policies, executive support, adept communication skills, and streamlined processes, there remains a reality: some stakeholders may not engage with procurement as needed. This phenomenon is rooted in the fallibility of human nature and the misconception that all individuals inherently understand procurement processes.

Acknowledging this reality, we need to shift focus from dwelling on past shortcomings to proactively addressing future challenges. Rather than internalizing setbacks, prioritize proactive education and communication within the organization. This approach ensures that stakeholders are equipped with the necessary knowledge to engage effectively with procurement processes.

Together, let’s shed light on the intersection of mental health and procurement non-compliance. Share this message to extend support and empower others within your network to navigate procurement challenges with resilience and adaptability.



Christine A. Moore, Managing Partner, RAUS Global
Christine A. Moore, Managing Partner, RAUS Global

Written by Christine A. Moore, Managing Partner, RAUS Global

Driving transparency and collaboration across marketing procurement, finance and internal audit

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