Cannes Lions 2024 Series: Unleash Your Inner Disruptor: Leading with an Entrepreneurial Edge


Amber Coleman-Mortley, Sr. Director, Community and Culture, The Female Quotient, Lindsey Abramo, CEO, World of Good Brands, Gina Cavallo Chief Revenue Officer, Audigent, Cathy Oh, Head of Marketing, Samsung Ads, Mary Ann Packo, CEO, Ipsos North America & Kya Sainsbury-Carter, CVP, Microsoft Advertising

As the Cannes Lions 2024 officially kick off, we are committed to bringing the most compelling stories to those of you who are not able to attend in person. Today, we were privileged to attend one of the most engaging panels hosted by Female Quotient, held atop the iconic Martinez Hotel. The panel featured speakers with a diverse range of experiences, from startup founders to executives in large global conglomerates, all sharing their insights on how to unleash and nurture your inner entrepreneur.

Unleashing Your Inner Entrepreneur

The panel discussion centered around the theme of entrepreneurial leadership, emphasizing that the entrepreneurial spirit is not limited to the startup world. Even within large organizations, fostering this mindset is essential for driving innovation, achieving growth, and seizing new opportunities.

Embracing Change and Disruption

The speakers unanimously agreed that embracing change and disruption is a hallmark of entrepreneurial thinking. It involves constantly transforming, questioning the status quo, and being unafraid to flip conventional wisdom upside-down. This mindset allows individuals to forge new paths and redefine what is possible, whether in a small startup or a vast corporate entity.

The Power of Grit

One of the key attributes highlighted was grit. Successful entrepreneurs possess the resilience to deeply understand problems and find innovative solutions. This quality is vital in navigating the complexities and uncertainties that characterize today’s business environment. The speakers emphasized that embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation is crucial.

Thinking Outside the Box

The panelists discussed the importance of thinking big and outside the box. They pointed out that many of today’s winners in the business world broke away from traditional paths and created something unique. This approach requires questioning established norms and reimagining what is possible, leading to groundbreaking innovations.

Fostering a Culture of Innovation

Creating a culture that fosters innovation and entrepreneurial thinking within large companies was another major theme. The speakers stressed the need for organizations to build environments that encourage and reward calculated risk-taking.

Safe Spaces for Experimentation

The panelists advocated for creating safe spaces where employees can experiment and innovate without fear of failure. They highlighted that failure should be seen as a learning opportunity rather than a setback. This perspective allows organizations to gather valuable insights and continuously improve.

Preparedness and Confidence

The concept of preparedness as a foundation for confidence was discussed in depth. The speakers underscored the importance of being well-prepared to tackle challenges. Lindsay Abramo shared a mantra: “P = C: Preparedness equals Confidence.” By dedicating time each day to prepare for upcoming challenges, individuals can build confidence and mitigate risks effectively.

Overcoming Fear and Building Confidence

Amber Coleman-Mortley likened fear to cliff jumping — daunting and paralyzing but essential to overcome for entrepreneurial success. The panel highlighted the role of knowledge as a powerful antidote to fear. By deeply understanding their industry, market, and the potential impact of their ideas, entrepreneurs can build the confidence needed to take bold steps.

Collaboration as a Strength

In large companies, entrepreneurship is inherently a team effort. The panelists emphasized the importance of collaboration in reducing fear and fostering a sense of shared purpose. They noted that working together towards a common goal enhances collective strength and helps overcome individual apprehensions.

Building a Robust Network

The value of having a strong network was a recurring theme. The speakers stressed the importance of cultivating relationships with mentors, peers, and industry experts. Such a network provides support, resources, and valuable insights, which are indispensable for entrepreneurial success.

Harnessing Authenticity and Defining Your Superpower

To truly unleash your entrepreneurial edge, the panelists encouraged being authentic and understanding your unique strengths — your superpower. Authenticity builds trust and credibility, both within the team and with external stakeholders.

Leveraging Your Superpower

Once your superpower is identified, the next step is to leverage it effectively. Whether it’s a talent for creative problem-solving, team building, or market trend analysis, your superpower can be a significant driver of success. The panelists advised focusing on areas where you excel and can add the most value, rather than trying to be all things to all people.

Amplifying Strengths Through Collaboration

Collaboration was again highlighted as a means to amplify strengths. By working closely with others, you can complement each other’s skills and create a synergy that drives innovation and growth.

Practical Steps for Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Spirit

The panel concluded with practical steps for cultivating an entrepreneurial spirit within large organizations:

  1. Encourage Experimentation: Create an environment where employees feel safe to test new ideas without fear of severe repercussions for failure.
  2. Reward Innovation: Develop systems that recognize and reward innovative thinking and the successful implementation of new ideas.
  3. Provide Resources: Ensure employees have access to the necessary resources, including time, funding, and mentorship, to pursue innovative projects.
  4. Foster Open Communication: Promote a culture of open communication where ideas can be freely shared, and feedback is constructively given.
  5. Build Cross-Functional Teams: Encourage collaboration across different departments to bring diverse perspectives and expertise to problem-solving.
  6. Invest in Continuous Learning: Support continuous learning and development opportunities for employees to keep their skills and knowledge up to date.

As the discussions at the Cannes Lions 2024 unfold, the insights from the Female Quotient panel on entrepreneurial leadership offer valuable lessons for businesses of all sizes. By fostering a culture of innovation, embracing calculated risks, and leveraging the power of collaboration, organizations can unleash their inner disruptors and drive forward into new realms of achievement.

Stay tuned as we continue to bring you more stories and insights from Cannes Lions 2024, showcasing the cutting-edge ideas and transformative leadership shaping the future of business.



Christine A. Moore, Managing Partner, RAUS Global
Christine A. Moore, Managing Partner, RAUS Global

Written by Christine A. Moore, Managing Partner, RAUS Global

Driving transparency and collaboration across marketing procurement, finance and internal audit

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